01 April 2012

Do You know Your oWn Parents ?

Assalam !

Wohh , yehh , esok balek daaaa! There goes my 1 week holidayyyys :)

Just want to ask a question that has been lingering my mind these few days :D

Do You know Your oWn Parents ?

Yes , ofocurse we know their names and works and blablabla . tapi tapi . Do we really actually KNOW them?

Assignment leadershp aku ni aku buat pasal bapak aku . Haaa. So , interview la skett nak tahu pasal background family .

Yes , aku tahu bpk aku ade 6 adek beradek . But knowing The Whole story since he is a child and becoming who he is now , gives me a new perspective .

How to put this....... bile kita macam tahu pasal seseorang dengan lebih mendalam , kita akan mula paham why they are acting like this and like that .  Ahaaaaaaa.

Bile kite lebih paham WHY they are that way , we will not get angry easily or become clueless of whats happening. We will be like " ohh , patutlaa camnii " or " Haaa... tahu daaa" .

Bile kite dah paham ni , so bole la gune kan sebagai Secret weapon . HAHHAHHAAHA :D

Theres always a difference The time AFTER when you know a person and BEFORE you knew them :)

Sebenarnya , Aku da salu buat keje ni . Aku salu interview mak aku haahhha. sebab lagi open , MAcam2 aku tanye . Tah kenapa aku tanye pon tatahu . ahahha . Turns out , i found the other side of her :). Dari zaman kecik , sampaaai la zaman jumpa bapak aku , sampaaai zaman dah kawen . hihihi . Haha. Kadang2 rase macam " Laaaa aku ni sebijik je macam mak aku. So aku ni tade la pelik mana ke tak normal ke " kikiki.

Dah tu , interview bapak aku lak . Salunye kalau ng bapak aku ni , dalam kereta ke , masa tengah sarapan kat pasar ke hihihih. Time tu laaa~ :D heehhe. So , bila dah tahu , terasa macam " emmmmm , no wonder he is like this , then marah aku bila aku cmni bla3 " heheh.

Yeah , so i suggest every each of you yg baca post ni , try laaaa buat cam aku . Haha a, seriously its fun ! Kita salu pandang Parents kita as a parents ONLY . Mereka juga penah remaja , melalui zaman2 macam kita ni , Why not kita timba sikiit pengalamannn mereka. Bukan sahaja merapat kan lagi hubungan , malah meningkatkan kasih sayangg . CEwaahh :D

Okey nak tdoo byee ! :)

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