02 April 2012

‎"When making Dua, ask Allah for whatever you might want or need, and make a habit to include “if it’s good for me.” at the back of the supplication request. We might think we know what we want or need, and when we ask, Allah will give, but it might not necessarily be good for us, unless we ask for Allah’s wisdom in it." 

Its already the end of the midbreak. Lets leave home with smile and recharged spirit . Because we have unsettle business waiting infront of us . This is our battle , and its get tougher day by day . One doesnt simply get through hard situation without preparation :)

Don’t ever underestimate du’a. What is the value of du’a? That you are transferring a situation from your power and ability to the power and ability of Allah. You are moving obstacles from yourself to the One who has no obstacles :')

- Shaykh Abul-Fadl.

Kalau tidak kerana semalam kita telah berusaha, bersungguh, bersabar dan berdoa, belum tentu hari ini kita akan berada di sini.

- Shay shafiq

Jangan merancang tanpa mengimani bahawa Allah adalah sebaik-baik perancang.
Apabila kita telah merancang,maka berdoa dan bertawakkallah kepada Allah supaya segalanya berjalan seperti yang dirancang. Jika ada tidak berlaku seperti dirancang,
InsyaAllah itu adalah sebaik-baik perancangan Allah. Percaya Allah. Itu yang utama. :)

MuniRah ZaKy 

1 comment:

nawarrah said...

really goods advice
thanx sis :))