10 September 2012

The Resolution .

Assalamualaikumm people ! 

Happy New Sem ! And for me its Sem 4 ! :D

Alhamdulillah after 3 months of holiday , Im still ALIVE ! Thankyou Ya Allahhh ! :')

Okey , so , what have i got / done / gave during my vacations ?  These are some of the highlights .

1. Of course lah  the 1st one is Basketball for Masum . Ive made The resolution already at this post . But Overall of it , GETTING OUT FROM YOU COMFORT IS NEVER EASY AND THATS NEED COURAGE + DETERMINATION . BE PREPARED.

2. Well , Since Alonk is married now , My responsbilities becomes bigger than before . I need to grow up FAST regardless im ready or not . See ? Another COMFORT ZONE story. Wuwuwu . Ala lagipun umur dah 21 , sampai bila nak jadi lagu tuuu ja ? Masak tahu ala gitu je ? Bila lagi nak tunjuk power sebagai anak kedua yang laen dari yang laen ni ? Bak kata ayah , Orang yang berguna adalah orang yang berbakti kepada orang lain . Tak payah jauh2, tu ha mak bapak sendiri depan mata hua3 . Aku pun rase , tak guna la semua ilmu dan pangkat yang ada kalau parents sendiri tak dapat nak gembirakan . Ahaaaa . :D. Mencabar gak ah , sebab dah biasa lepas kat kakak kan ? HAHAHA padan muka . Takpe2 , aku yakin kematangan setiap orang punya masa  dan cara yang berbeza . Yang penting kita tak menolak peluang untuk menjadi matang tu . Ececece.

3. So , i think i didnt performed my best in Ramadhan , which is SAD to me . I dont like to blame anyone but myself . Still , this one guy is always there and i have no idea why i still put up with his attitudes. Gaaahaha . I pray to Allah to give me strength in handling this Heart thinggy . Praying that i wont do anything that against my 'pledged' as a Muslimah .  Well , youknowwhatimean . If you feel like wanna cry in search of the strength , just CRY . Kawallah nafsu mu itu walaupun itu maknanya kau perlu Menangis . A guy who treasure you will always want the best for you and the best is Jannah . Im so greatful for whatever strength He gave to me during that time , Thankyou Allah :') . and actually , i need that more NOW .  Help me God :'(

4. Mak kata kan , kalau tak berubah sekarang , sampai bila2mana2 pun perangai tu kat situu je . Wuwuw . Takut wohh dengar , muahahahah. Jadi macam2 lahh rasenye kene imprivise diri ni . Dari segi Manners , thinking and attitude . Haihhh . The never ending Battles of oneself . @__@

5 . Sem ni takmo daa ponteng class . Kene lebih berdisiplin dan matang menguruskan masaaa . Im in a critical state dah . Ottokeeee. Wuwuwu . Ummi Ayahh Im sorryyy . But im promise i will fix this , insyAllahh Just wait and see .

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