Apa result election Sciencess semalam ? :D
With 429 votes double up from the other two contenders.
Thanx to this girl :
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She even accompanied me to the AGM to show her support :') |
For nominating me . For having faith in me . For being easy and and supportive .
And not to forget my other friends as well , Batch 102 :')
Truth is ,
i get scared mase nak submit borang pencalonan . HAHAHA . =.="
Then, afterwards, all my friends keep saying like "we will vote you " and " go Maslin go !" :')
and i dont have any heart and gut to push them by saying , " People , im not in the election". That must break their heart , dont they?
All of sudden , i feel like , its a responsbility that have given to me the moment Fuzah announced to the class that Khairani and i will be participating in the election. Dayyyummm ! >.<
So , kitorang usaha gak la nak antar borang eventho tempoh dah tamat . Hehehe . Selamaat sempaaat :D
Hence , with that , saya pun tercalon la. hehehhe.
Looking at my face tertampal di depan Wackoss , sungguh.....HHAHAHAHAAH, first time ni weh dalam hidup akuu ! KAhkahkahkah.
Isnin dan selasa supposed to be promotion period . Tapi aku buat bodoh je la . Kalau jumpe kawan2 tu ada laa , aku cakap "Vote la aku eh? " HAHHAHHA =.=" Malu nye. hihihi.
Then, untill petang semalam , baru la nak start nervous . Perghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
.Dupdapdupdaaaaap. hihihi . Thanx fuzaaa sbb ikot pergii , tade laa aku jerit sorang2 , hehehehhehe :D.
Huishhh . Dalam otak masa tu , " Cemana kalau aku tak terpilih ? " Cemana pulak kalau aku terpilih ? " Pffftttttt ! Sesakk sesaaak ! .
Tapi , i straighten my mind , by saying . Okey Maslin , ingat , apapun yg berlaku , Allah lebih mengetahui . Kalau kau boleh , Dia akan kasi . So , stay calm and be cool , Okey ? he he he. Then , my heart is at peace.:)
Serious serious , bile die announce tu aku macam BIAR BETOOOL ! HHAHAHH . alhamdulillahhh ! :) *siapa la yg vote aku nihh o,0?". Papehal pon, i know , people put trust on me , and im not gonna ruin that :)
Hihihi . Thankyou kamu semua ! Saya tak sangka ni , Serious. Dah bangun pagy ni , macam , Biar betull aku jadi exco sukan baru 1st year pffft . Hah , bunyik macam aku dpt post PM ke ape tah . Ye la , dah 1st time , mestilah excited skit wehhh hehehehhee.
Thing is , i am glad , i have made decision to bertanding . Thankyou rakan2 sekalian yang mmbaca blog ini . Jasamu amatlah dikenang . Tuhan je yg dpt mmbalasnya :') . Saya takkan sia2kan kepercayaan kamu semue okey ? InsyaAllah sy akan buat yg terbaek :) Heee .
Ini Bai'ah :
In the name of Allah
The Most gracious the Most merciful
Solemnly pledge
To fulfill
The trust given by the students
To uphold and to demonstrate
The supremacy of Islam
In every aspect of life
To promote
Unity and solidarity
In the spirit of Islamic brotherhood
Among students and stuffs
And among students themselves as a whole
To represent
The interest of all the members of the society
In dealing with Kuliyyah
And the administration of the University
In the manner deemed fit
To organize and administer
The affairs of the students
In conformity with islamic teachings
With integrity
And wholeheartedly
" Kadang2 kita takyakin dengan diri sendiri . Tapi bila orang sekeliling menunjukkan kepercayaan , kita automatik akan percaya kat diri sendiri . Sebab itu penting nye hidup dalam komuniti yang positif . Ini kita panggil Simbiosis " - Dr. Maslin.
p/s: Thank God i have many positive Friends :') ,and thats including YOU who read this :)
alhamdulillah!! congratulations babe! hehe. ni berkaliber la ni eh?? XP
plus, aku sgt suka baiah korg. UIA mmg menang konsep la. tinggal nak laksanakan je. n ak yakin insyallah ko bleh buat dgn baik! congrats sis!
selamat menjalankan tugas naa!Tajdid niat kerana-Nya (:
p/s: rindu kau~
Thankyou kak yana ! :) Yes , bai'ah itu la yg buat saya takboleh lalai dlm amanah ini . InsyaAllah saya akn buat yg terbaekk :') . Mgkin boleh ade frenly antara usm and uia ? ;)
Aimaaaaan ! :) Thankyou dear ! Rindu kamu juge ! Korang ade election gak kan ? :D
heheh ! all the best in doing ypur job baby ! kenny rogers aku tuh kalau kau tanak belanja pun takpe, aku saje2 je ngada2, hehe
weyh! aku vote ko taw!!aku promote ko gak..haha..do ur best kay!congratz cz menang=D
that last quote was, a deep breath by the way.
Hee , that is a good deep breathe , or the other way ? anyway , thanx for reading :)
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